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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

10 effective ways to reduce fat, lose weight quickly

10 effective ways to reduce fat, lose weight quickly, follow these steps and you’ll definitely lose fat! For those who are just starting to lose weight and want easy-to-follow weight loss tips, today we have effective ways to reduce fat and lose weight quickly for you to

Share 5 formulas for face masks to reduce oiliness

Share 5 formulas for face masks to reduce oiliness, clear excess oil and balance the skin. Oily skin is skin that has excess oil because it produces more natural oil (sebum) than necessary. It makes the face oily faster than people with normal or dry

Share 3 natural scrub recipes to fix dark armpits smoother

Share 3 natural scrub recipes to fix dark armpits smoother and brighter than ever. especially when wearing tank tops or sleeveless shirts. In addition to nourishing the skin with underarm skin care products, scrubbing the skin is another equally important step. It helps remove dead

Tips! When to drink water? What health benefits does it provide?

Tips! When to drink water? What health benefits does it provide? The human body is composed of 50-70% water, whether it is within cells, organs, the entire body’s systems, or blood, which contains water. It is also an important nutrient for humans to live in

7 health trends for 2024 focusing on “eating well, being happy”

7 health trends for 2024 focusing on “eating well, being happy” This New Year, many people may set goals to take better care of their health,whether by exercising, eating nutritious food, or changing their lifestyle habits for โปรโมชั่น ufabet the better. And in 2024, the

The strong sunlight in summer increases the risk of cataracts.

The strong sunlight in summer increases the risk of cataracts. Did you know? The strong sunlight in summer increases the risk of cataracts. It’s well known that excessive exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause sunburn and skin cancer. But did you know

What kind of back pain? What diseases do you tell me?

      When suffering from back pain, many people choose to ignore the pain. Or just find painkillers to take to relieve symptoms. There are many diseases associated with back pain. and occurs no less frequently than headaches which back pain in general It is often caused

5 Think You Should Know About elderly care centers

It is well known that in Thai society today, sending family members. Or patients who are recovering to be under the care of elderly care centers is still not popular. And is not accepted as it should be. This is due to the values ​​and