Share 3 natural scrub recipes to fix dark armpits smoother and brighter than ever.

especially when wearing tank tops or sleeveless shirts. In addition to nourishing the skin with underarm skin care products, scrubbing the skin is another equally important step. It helps remove dead skin cells, restores dull skin to reveal new skin. That is brighter than ever. You can easily make your own scrub to fix dark armpits with ingredients
Tamarind + Honey
Tamarind is high in vitamin C and has AHA acid that helps exfoliate dead skin cells. Honey helps reduce wrinkles, adjusts skin condition scrub recipes to fix dark armpits to be smooth and brighter. Mix the separated tamarind juice with honey in a ratio of 1:1. Mix the ingredients together. Then gently scrub the armpit area. Leave it for about 10 minutes and then rinse with clean water.
Yogurt + lemon juice
Restore dark armpits to be white and clear easily with ingredients from the kitchen such as yogurt and lemon juice. Mix ½ cup yogurt with the juice of ½ lemon. Mix the ingredients until smooth. Then use it to scrub in a circular motion over the armpits for 3-5 minutes. Leave it on for another 5 minutes and then rinse with clean water. Lemons contain high levels of AHA and vitamin C, which effectively solve the problem of dull skin. Yogurt helps add moisture and gently exfoliates the skin.
This is an easy and convenient scrub formula for dark armpits. It only requires one ingredient: ‘lemon peel’, which has squeeze out until all ยูฟ่าเบท the juice is gone. Use the inner surface of the peel to scrub in a circular motion all over the armpit area for about 3-5 minutes, then rinse with clean water. It is recommend to scrub recipes to fix dark armpits do this formula 2-3 times a week. It will help exfoliate the skin to reveal new, brighter, smoother skin. It can also use on other areas of the skin. That dark and rough, such as elbows, ankles, and knees.