Tips! When to drink water? What health benefits does it provide?

The human body is composed of 50-70% water, whether it is within cells, organs, the entire body’s systems, or blood, which contains water. It is also an important nutrient for humans to live in every stage of life at every age. Drinking water often is a way to promote good health.How to drink water to get the benefits?
- Drinking water should be clean and free from contamination. If it is bottled water, it should be a reliable brand with FDA / GMP or HACCP number.
- If you drink tap water from a water filter, you should choose a standard water filter and don’t forget to change the filter when it is time.
- It is best to drink water at room temperature because your body does not have to adjust the water temperature to your body temperature. However, in some activities, such as after exercise, drinking cold water can help lower your body temperature and help you exercise longer.
- Drinking tea, bubble tea, beer/alcohol cannot replace drinking water because these drinks stimulate the body to excrete more water, causing the body to lose more water. In addition, they are high in calories and increase the risk of obesity.
Tips for drinking water that is right for your body
Some people drink 8 glasses of water a day, some people drink 3 liters of water a day, but today’s secret is to drink the right amount of water for each person’s body. The calculation method is to use body weight x 30 = the amount of water you should drink per day (milliliters), for example, weight 57 x 30 = 1710 milliliters, meaning that a person who weighs 57 kilograms should drink at least 1.7 liters of water per day, or about 2 liters.
Tips! When to drink water? What health benefits does it provide?
- 1st glass – Immediately after waking up, drink room temperature water or warm water, before taking a shower and at least 30 minutes before eating breakfast to help wake up the body and help stimulate the digestive system.
- 2nd glass – 1 hour after breakfast to help the body fully awake and ready to start the day’s activities. Drinking water at least 45-60 minutes after a meal will not interfere with the digestive system.
- 3rd glass – 30 minutes before lunch to avoid feeling hungry or overeating.
- 4th glass – 1 hour after lunch to allow the body to fully absorb nutrients and burn energy.
- Glass 5 – Around 3 pm to help reduce drowsiness and make you feel more refreshed.
- Glass 6 – 30 minutes before dinner to help you eat less for dinner. Suitable for people who are controlling their weight.
- Glass 7 – 1 hour after dinner to help moisturize the skin and should be drunk before taking a shower.
- Glass 8 – 2 hours before bedtime. The last glass of water of the day will help stimulate the body to repair worn out parts while you sleep and help you sleep better.
Drinking enough water every day is something that everyone should do until it becomes a habit because drinking water is beneficial, making ทางเข้า ufabet the body’s metabolism work well. It also helps with skin, excretory system, and digestive system efficiently, helping to slow down aging. If you drink enough water according to your body’s needs, it can also help you lose weight.