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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

10 benefits of eating boiled eggs. Eating them every day

Boiled eggs are not only inexpensive. It is also a food that provides many benefits to the body. Today we would like to please those who like to eat egg dishes, especially boiled eggs, with 10 benefits that the body receives from eating boiled eggs.

“Skinny but have a belly” (Skinny Fat) How should I exercise?

“Skinny but have a belly” (Skinny Fat) How should I exercise? Even though people who are thin have won half the battle. Because in addition to referring to the risk of developing various dangerous diseases will less than those who are obese or weight exceeding the standard They also

PM 2.5 dust and its dangers to the skin

PM 2.5 dust and its dangers to the skin. Report from ทางเข้า ufabet Today, our world tends to face more air pollution problems. Especially during this period, our country is experiencing problems with PM 2.5 dust exceeding the standard. Because PM 2.5 dust is smaller than 2.5 microns, which

The dangers of oversleeping

The dangers of oversleeping. Hypersomnia is characterized by constant drowsiness that affects daily life. It also easily results in depression. Which is a long-term negative effect. In addition, there will be an opportunity to make the patient think short-term. In addition, there are other negative effects as well, such as.